Ready to Get Healthy?

This All-Natural Kitchen Cleaning Ingredient Is All You Need

Ah vinegar, would it be a stretch to call it a miracle-worker? This acidic liquid is my go-to for so many things in the home that I always have some on hand. Need a quick hair rinse to get rid of built-up product residue? Apple cider vinegar has your back. Are you searching for the perfect base for your homemade salad dressing? Any vinegar will cut through the oil and give it the perfect kick. Do you need a cleaning product that won’t harm you and your family but will still eliminate nasty bacte

Raw Honey vs. "Regular" Honey: What's the Difference and Does it Really Matter?

When people ask me if I have any pets, I like to tell them that I have about 60,000 of them. And it’s true…I have one dog (a Hungarian Vizsla named Raya) and about 59,999 bees who live in a hive I built in my backyard. (Only my queen bee has a name…she’s Sophia. The other tens of thousands are nameless workers and drones.) As a backyard beekeeper, a naturopathic doctor, and the author of a book on the subject…I am a big fan of honey, or “liquid gold,” as I like to call it. But, as you are about

Why You Crave Sugar and How to Stop

It’s 3 pm, and you can practically hear that candy bar in your desk calling your name. All you can think about is the sweet, crunchy toffee wrapped in a layer of creamy chocolate. We’ve all been there. But why do we get urges like this, and how can you avoid giving in? Read on to find out the truth behind sugar cravings. Your body is incredibly intuitive. When you finish a meal without giving your body all of the nutrients it needs to produce energy, you will begin to crave the fastest, most da

Eat More Pumpkin: Here's Why

Ah, fall. As the leaves change and flutter to the ground and the cool autumn breeze blows through bare braches, there’s something other than fresh air coming on the wind. Pumpkin. Or, more specifically, pumpkin-flavored everything. Bread, cookies, cakes, and the oh-so-famous pumpkin spice latte. Children shrieking with joy as they carefully select their favorite pumpkin from the patch, and pies with extra helpings of whipped cream garnishing the Thanksgiving table. This iconic orange fruit (yes,

7 Ways to Use Food for Your Skin

Believe it or not, those ten products that you apply to your skin every morning and evening aren’t going to do you any good when you are filling your body with processed foods and sugary drinks like soda. Great skin starts from the inside out, and eating a whole foods diet with loads of vegetables, and limited sugar is a great way to recapture that youthful glow. Speaking of skin products, once you’ve changed your diet to help support healthy skin, you will want to take a long, hard look at wha

Drinking This Warm Beverage Is Good For Your Heart and May Reduce Your Stroke Risk

Whether you think it tastes like grass or you enjoy the earthy flavor of this warm drink, it’s hard to deny the many proven health benefits of green tea. Originating in China, this fragrant tea gained popularity in the west and is now one most frequently enjoyed teas across America. Green tea comes from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, which is the same plant used to make oolong and black teas. However, green tea but processed through a different wilting an oxidation process which give

Unlock Your Body's Ability to Self Heal With This Simple Trick

Believe it or not, humans haven’t always worn shoes everywhere, traveled in cars, and lived in houses. At one point in history (and still in some places in the world) people walked barefoot everywhere. Roads were packed dirt and beds were mats of straw on the bare ground. Think about it for a moment, when was the last time you actually stepped onto the ground with your bare feet. Not the patio or, your porch, but the lush grass of your backyard or the sand on the edge of an ocean. Probably not v

5 Protein Packed Breakfast Bowls The Whole Family Will Love

Breakfast bowls are all the rage these days, with health influencers on Instagram sharing pictures of their meticulously arranged toppings and exotic fruit. As busy as most mornings are, however. This picture-perfect breakfast seems like nothing but a pipe dream. Fortunately, putting together a hearty breakfast bowl is not as difficult as you may think. Plus, it is an easy way to get your kids eating something other than cereal, which is full of added sugar and unhealthy ingredients. Whip up th

9 Things Your Cellphone May Be Doing to Your Health

Though you may not think twice before picking up your smartphone for the hundredth time today, research says you may want to consider the risks. This seemingly innocent device could be affecting your health more than you know. Read on to find out more. Phones are disgusting. In fact, according to one 2017 study, high levels of bacterial contamination could make your phone 10 times dirtier than a toilet seat. Think of all the things you touch throughout the day, and then think of how many times

7 Kitchen Hacks to Create Healthy and Quick Meals

I get it; your schedule is busy. You work, you exercise, you run errands, you spend time with your family and friends. Taking the time to eat can be hard. Taking the time to eat well is even harder. Or is it? In fact, cooking and preparing healthy, whole foods can often be just as quick as ordering takeout or popping in a frozen pizza…without the dangerous ramifications. If you’ve always wanted to start cooking healthy food at home, check out this article to help you create delicious meals even

Wondering If Oat Milk is All That?

Oat milk has often fallen in the shadow of other, plant-based milk alternatives such as coconut and almond milk. However, its recent surge in popularity and numerous benefits has made it a viable contender for the top spot. So what exactly is oat milk? Is it actually good for you? And what should you look for when buying this yummy milk? Oat milk is creamy and has the perfect level of natural sugar. In fact, many people think it simply tastes too good to actually be healthy. In reality, this de

7 Things Every Woman Over Fifty Must Do To Look and Feel Great

If you’re over 50, you may have given up trying to figure out how to balance your health due to the serious hormonal and physical fluctuations that come with this stage of life. Perimenopause, menopause, hot flashes, an expanding waistline, aches, and pains in your joints, wrinkles, and grey hairs may all be coming out to play as you head into this decade. But now isn’t the time to sit back and let the ravages of time destroy your health and beauty. You still deserve to look and feel your absolu

10 Really Cool Products You'll Never Believe Are Made From Recycled Plastic

Here is a staggering truth that we all need to embrace. Plastic is accumulating in our oceans at an alarming rate. In fact, at the rate things are going, plastic in the oceans is predicted to outweigh all the fish in the sea by 2050. What a sad and very disappointing statistic that is. The fish are not the only ones in trouble, pollution has a direct impact on all sorts of marine life including seabirds, sea turtles, seals, and other marine animals. Thousands of these creatures are killed each

Warm Apple Cider Vinegar Drinks For The Holiday Season

The holiday season is officially here, and temptations abound. If you are trying to stay true to your healthy lifestyle, the days between Thanksgiving and New Years can be especially difficult. Office parties, family gatherings and lots of sugar-laden and rich, pretty food calls your name. But, you don’t have to cave, you can and will endure. Turn on moderation and enjoy these warm festive apple cider vinegar drinks that will keep you satisfied and energized all season long! Apple cider vinegar

How to Make Your Own Healthy Sriracha Sauce -

In some circles, it is known as rooster sauce. This super hot sauce is named after the coastal city of Si Racha, located in the Chonburi Province of Eastern Thailand where local seafood restaurants serve it. This snappy paste is made from distilled vinegar, sun-ripened chili peppers, garlic, salt, and sugar. It has a heating rating of 2000 Scoville units, making it less than half as hot as a jalapeno pepper, which ranges from 2,500 to 10,000 units. Health benefits of sriracha sauce Not only is...

7 Warning Signs That You Might Be Calcium Deficient -

When you think of calcium, you might think of bones and teeth where most of the calcium in the human body is stored. In addition to helping with the formation of new bone, calcium is also essential for a number of other bodily functions including:     Early evidence also shows that calcium might help reduce diastolic blood pressure and protect against certain cancers including prostate and colorectal. What is hypocalcemia? Hypocalcemia is the name given to calcium deficiency disease, a condition...
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