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How Microgreens can Reduce Heart Disease Risk

If you’ve eaten at a restaurant lately, you may have noticed a few sprigs of greenery on your plate. They may have been sprinkled upon a salad, cushioned between the bread on a sandwich, or bathing atop your favorite soup. You may have even seen them resting alongside your steak or chicken entree. But you probably didn’t realize that these tiny greens could actually reduce your risk of heart disease. At first glance, you may have assumed that these small leafy greens were simply a garnish made

9 Backyard Makeover Tips That Won’t Break the Bank

Are you tired of your outdoor living space? Are you ready for something new but don’t have a massive budget to blow? No worries, there are many easy and inexpensive ways that you can breathe new life into your landscape. Transformation is just a few dollars away. With these ideas, you can create a brand new, inviting outdoor oasis! Rugs are not just for indoor living; they add immediate color, warmth, and personality to any outdoor space. Cover up your cracking patio or your sun-worn deck with

11 Amazing Benefits of Sweet Basil

Fresh sweet basil is floral, pungent, and readily available in the U.S. You’re probably well aware of the flavor it contributes to dishes, like pasta and salads. But what you may not be aware of are the powerful healing compounds associated with the essential oil. In fact, sweet basil oil can help the digestive, immune and nervous systems. If you haven’t tried it yet, here are some natural fixes that can really boost your health.= Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum), is a plant with thick foliage an

Low on Money? 7 Ways to Make More Green with Green

When you think of side hustles, ways to make a little extra money, you may conjure up images of things like selling clothes you don’t wear, walking dogs, babysitting, or even baking and selling cookies. But, have you ever considered taking your love of plants, gardening, and homesteading (even urban homesteading) and using it to turn a quick profit? Believe it or not, there are many ways to develop a thriving business around plants. Houseplant sales alone have grown in the past three years by a

They Told You That it Was Impossible: 5 Ways You CAN be Self Sufficient in the City

They Told You That it Was Impossible: 5 Ways You CAN be Self Sufficient in the City Do you live in the city – perhaps a dense urban area surrounded by tall buildings, cars and people…lots of people? Have you tossed your dream of self-sufficiency out the window because of your geographic location? If so, I have great news for you. It is possible to be self-sufficient in the city; seriously, there are several steps that you can take to become more self-reliant – even if you live in the the heart

Beat Dry Eyes and See Clearly By Eating These 11 Foods

Though you may think that vision decline is simply inevitable as you age, there are actually quite a few ways to help preserve your eyesight and prevent eye diseases from developing. What you eat doesn’t just affect your waistline, it can benefit (or harm) your vision as well. Though there is no way to reverse poor eyesight, these foods can help prevent further degeneration and keep your peepers healthy. Fish are loaded with high levels of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids that can contribute to e

Why You Should Put Apple Cider Vinegar in Your Belly Button

Because our belly button is a long way from our nose and often covered up with clothing, it is unlikely that you would even catch any odors coming from it. However, if you take your finger and do a quick swab, you might be alarmed at what you smell. I know, it sounds gross. Although most belly button odor results from poor hygiene, it could also be more serious and require medical attention. As you well know, the belly button is the location where your umbilical cord attached you to your mother

Banish Chronic Pain with these Superfoods

Millions of people suffer from chronic pain, either from an injury or as a result of a health condition. And many of them turn to pharmaceutical drugs for relief. While these drugs may indeed relieve the pain, they are often accompanied by some nasty side effects. Some are even highly addictive. The primary culprit behind chronic pain — and behind most chronic diseases, for that matter — is inflammation, activation of the body’s natural response to an invasion, which often leads to tissue and j

Slather Egg Whites on Your Face for Glowing and Youthful Skin

You may know that eggs are nutritional powerhouses, containing 4 grams of protein along with vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, calcium, and folate. Lysozyme is one of the many functional proteins found in egg whites that contains potent antibacterial properties and is widely used in the food industry. Eggs for breakfast is indeed a good thing, but what about putting egg white on your skin, is there value in this? Let’s unpack why egg whites should be a part of your skincare routine. A

This Ancient Nourishing Food is Great for Your Gut

Ghee is also known as clarified butter which is made by heating butter until the curds sink to the bottom and brown. The foam is skimmed off, and the pure butterfat is also poured off which leaves milk solids behind. As it cools and solidifies, the pure fat left behind is ghee. Revered as a prized superfood in India, ghee is supremely flavorful and contains a number of health-boosting properties. Ayurvedic practitioners consider ghee to be a top-notch health tonic that is recommended, in small

Yes, You Should Eat Dark Chocolate Daily (Here's Why)

Thanks to unhealthy processing methods, chocolate has earned a reputation as a “junk food.” While the candy bars lining the supermarket shelf are certainly not good for you, organic, raw dark chocolate has many surprising health benefits and is even considered a superfood. There is nothing I enjoy more than a square or two of high-quality, organic, dark chocolate after dinner. It is the perfect end to a healthy meal and something I can feel good about eating. Of course, moderation is important.

Add Seven to Ten Years to Your Life By Doing These Things

What if someone asked you, “Would you like to add between seven and ten healthy, disease-free years to your life?”. You would likely say a resounding YES and press in to find out just how you could make this happen, right? There aren’t many people that wouldn’t be ecstatic to add healthy and quality years to their life here on earth. The answer lies in the adoption of some specific healthy habits. Read on to find out how you could add quality years to your life starting today. Lifestyle choices

Sipping Lemon Water First Thing In The Morning Is Good For You: Here's Why

You’ve probably heard of drinking lemon water for any number of ailments, and though there is limited scientific research to back up many of its purported benefits, there is still plenty of proof that should inspire you to include lemon water in your morning routine. Unlike many other health fads and fleeting trends, this wellness aid is more than just smoke and mirrors. Read on for our favorite reasons to drink a glass of warm (or cool) lemon water as soon as you step out of bed. Can help keep

Cavities are Contagious: Here's How it Happens

As cold and flu season waits around the corner, you may be preparing to protect yourself from catching a bug. No one wants to come down with a yucky sickness, and we all know that colds, the flu, and painful strep throat are all contagious. Most of us try to do all we can to protect ourselves from these germs, such as backing away when someone coughs or sneezes for fear that their germs will land on us. But, what if we told you that, like a common cold, cavities are contagious? Blame it on the
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